NDU, I. K.; CHIKANI, U. N.; EDELU, B. O.; NDUAGUBAM, O. C.; BISI-ONYEMAECHI, A. I.; EKWOCHI, U.; ASINOBI, I. N.; EKWOCHI, U. Prevalence and Pattern of Diabetic Ketoacidosis among Children an Enugu, Southeast Nigeria: a 10 Year Retrospective Study. Tropical Health and Medical Research, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 36–43, 2021. DOI: 10.35916/thmr.v3i1.21. Disponível em: https://tropicalhealthandmedicalresearch.com/index.php/JAK/article/view/21. Acesso em: 18 may. 2024.