Evaluation of the Relationship Between Internet Addiction and Communication Competence Levels of Nurses
The purpose is to determine the evaluation of the relationship between internet addiction and the communication competence levels of nurses. This descriptive study was conducted with 347 nurses in a Training and Research Hospital in Turkey. Data were collected with the Communication Competence Scale and the Internet Addiction Scale. In the evaluation of the data, the IBM SPSS statistics 22.0 program was used for statistical analysis in the study. At the same time, they were evaluating the study data in addition to descriptive statistical methods. Pearson correlation analysis was used to evaluate the correlation between variables. Internet addiction and communication competence are, respectively, found to be 45.22±14.16 and 98.64±18.98. A negative and weak significant relationship (r=-.270; p?.05) was found between internet addiction and communication competence levels. The study determined that as the level of internet addiction among nurses increased, their communication competence decreased. Therefore, awareness of the effect of internet addiction on occupational functions is essential.
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